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Playing with light and shadow:Photographing with artificial light

Das Spiel mit Licht und Schatten: Fotografieren mit Kunstlicht

Photographers use artificial light to imitate the sun's most beautiful, picturesque lighting atmospheres. Flash is traditionally used, but these days it is becoming more and more common LED continuous lights for use. These are easier to use because they show the effect of the light in the photo before the shutter is released. In many cases they also offer precise color temperature adjustment and are sometimes even equipped with colored LEDs or special effects fitted.

Photographer Patrick Engfer also uses them artificial light source gladly for your own shootings. He has been using a wide variety of Rollei products for years and can use this technology to take his recordings to a new level and at the same time highest possible quality to ensure. This was the perfect opportunity for a shoot with them Lumen studio continuous lights. The goal was to position the light so that the incident light imitated the sun and a Portrait with sunset flair arises.  

The final photo:

Rollei finales Foto

For the setting, Patrick Engfer needed the model, the camera and that LED continuous light not much other equipment. The LED permanent light was equipped with a Color temperature similar to daylight of 5,500 Kelvin placed on a lamp stand outside the window. Since it was raining lightly outside at the time of the shoot, Engfer positioned a large umbrella over the light. This ensured that the device would not be exposed to moisture.

Through the easy handling It was easy for the photographer to quickly find the right position for the light. In just a few minutes the model was positioned and he was able to compare the settings with his camera.

The setting:

Rollei Aufbau des Setups

With the setting shown above, you too can have one in just a few simple steps simple portrait idea with a exciting effect achieve. Let your creativity flow and be present even without the natural light you need LED permanent lights flexible and use the interaction of Artificial light and shadows through simple aids such as blinds.

You have with ours Lumen LED continuous lights If you can implement a creative shoot, please tag us belowr #rolleicreate on Facebook and Instagram. We look forward to your results.


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